Tuesday 27 September 2011

Sketches for Logo

These are my sketches.
I was right away drawn to the people idea. I began to think about the idea of "Functional Objects". As in, we are functional objects as TV obsessed, media driven, puppets. We do what we're told, we think what we're told to think and so on. I experimented with different kinds of stickmen.  I also thought of using keyboards or dollar bills as heads or hands. I also thought of using an entire family of stickmen.

Brainstorm squares

I started my brainstorm with ideas of brainwashing through technology. I dont mean brain washing in the direct sense like A Clockwork Orange but rather the intrinsic nature brainwashing in the act of watching TV. I already began to picture a sign or a directive to represent my idea so i went in that direction right away. I also was thinking about Love and life as it relates to modern thought. For the animorph section i didnt have any ideas so i just went with cat because i have two cats

inspiration board for my first logo

Simple. These logos both inspired me in their simplicity and the loaded messages in some of them. I realized that im a sucker for social critique kind of stuff. Artists Banksy or Obey use everyday images that we are used to in order deliver and underlying message to the viewer.

Tuesday 13 September 2011