Tuesday 25 October 2011

Constructivist Poster Project

These are the Posters that inspired me

 I like this one because i LOVE Tetris. Also, the political implications presented in the poster provoke thought in me. 

This one I like because of its simplicity. However simplistic, the image is recognizable by almost everyone under the age of 50. I also like the adaptation of the propaghanda-style war posters in the Star Wars theme.

This one i find interesting because of the blatant irony. It reminds me of communism but is actually an ad for a super expensive purse. 

I like the use of red and black in this one. and again, it's simplicity. Very stark contrast. I also like the font, especially the "say". 

This final poster has striking imagery. I don't know what it is saying though. I like how the bigger boot exceeds the square limits. I also like the roughness of the cuts. Looks like it may have be done with construction paper and scissors. 

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